Saturday, September 20, 2008

Shot! :: Abandoned, The Inside Story

At an end of a relationship, this is the usual advice you would get: forget about that person, and move on with life. Not that I'm being ungrateful of the consoling people, but the advice makes me feel something is definitely wrong with it.

Is it really that easy forgetting someone? Someone that has given a huge impact on you? Someone that you had loved? I must say in my case, it's entirely impossible. Everything I say, everything I see, everything I hear; almost every of it has its significant. Here I am trying so hard to forget that person, when in each action the person comes and greet you in the mind. Quite frustrating for a broken heart, don't you think?

Then what is the real solution? One way, I could abandon my heart. Abandon my feelings. With this, no matter what happens I won't be affected. No more pain. No more frustration. No more fatigue.


I will be reduced to nothing with abandonning my heart! To abandon my heart, means to abandon my feelings. To abandon my feelings, doesn't mean losing only those negative parts. To feel happy, to get encouraged, to be in love once again...all would be lost. Can I even call myself a recognisable being later on? A living, breathing human being?


I snapped out of my thoughts when my brother called out to me. I stared. My brother was pointing at the abandoned chicken coop we were supposed to paint. "So what do you think? Yellow would look good right?" I sighed and smiled. An abandoned heart would look hagard, an abandoned heart would be ugly. It would lead me to no sense, to no colour. That's not the way as well. Well, there is always a way for everything. Perhaps I'm just too specific at things being said. To 'forget' doesn't mean to demolish the memories, to 'forget' means to refurnish the emotions. I picked up the brush and went to stand next to my brother.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well, this did made a bit sense among my 'Shot!' titles. And it has been a while since I wrote a fiction regarding love. Haha...all in all, I'm pretty satisfied with this. I hope the sense of paranoia is successfuly presented. I'm not in any of the above emotional state, so don't worry readers! Take care all! =)

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