Sunday, September 21, 2008

Once Upon A Cherry Tree (Pt.1 of Ch.1)

Occasionally during the summer or winter break, Mrs Lemon would take her ten year old daughter to a villa near Pine Forest. The villa was majestically erected at the foot of a hill based on the drawings of the late Mr Lemon as a sign of memorial of some sort for the wife. The grand building; made from the best quality of wood, painted with sparkling colours of oak and mahogany; was sturdy and comfortable enough for a family of two to stay away from the bustling city.

Nature was at its best that winter morning. The sun gleamed cheerfully, welcoming the early risers of the day. The wind played its part by blowing soft whispers, encouraging any adventures that were to happen ahead. A robin was seen flying swiftly across the sky, manuevering itself to a halt on a sill of an open window of the villa. Someone was already up in that room.

The red-feathered creature took a peep inside. A young girl, still in her pearly nightgown, was sitting on a large rocking chair near the open window. She did not seem to notice the peeping robin, as the girl was busy occupying herself with a medium sized bookon her lap. She was rocking away slowly with her hazel eyes locked on to the writings of the book, smiling one moment and frowning the next. The robin suddenly chirped as if it was laughing at the facial changes of the girl.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Here's a sneak peek on my latest title for this blog. A promise is a promise. This story is based on an SMS description a girl once sent to me after my Form 5, and I promised her I would write a story based on it. And after two years I finally get the idea to produce it. Hope she will be reading this. Thank you for reading and enjoyyy!!


Kikuri-hime said...

You remind me of my student. Like you, he could come out with beautiful and vivid descriptions. I love this entry, though is pretty short... Maybe, this is a teaser for your next entry. Can't wait!

DANS said...

Huhu..thanks! I'm beginning to get the hand on making better descriptions ever since I read 'The Woman in White', a classic novel. It has very clear and distinctive style in writing descriptions...I like! =)

damha said...

waaa...i like2..such calmness bite me till the bone..huu